Monday, 18 October 2010

BBQ with colleague

16th October 2010, Sunday.

yeap! BBQ with work mates, its was a sudden order from our Head of department. This BBQ occasion dedicated to people who travelled to Belabau(Ulu Tutong) earlier this October. Thankgod all of them is in good shape and returned safely, their trip was rather challenging.

The main obstacle was flood, well you should know recently Tutong was again struck by heavy rain and resulted to rise of water level at some areas in Tutong. The first srike occurred earlier before Hari Raya during the night. Yeah... it was a hell of a busy week! but it felt good to help people who needs help =D

Next month I'm going to go to Belabau! yesss... I'm excited, because we need to go through river and jungle to go there. Yes, it's kinda risky but we need to go there. Why? do you even know where Belabau is? its far from Tutong Town and you are just step ahead to Malaysia(Sarawak), the place was isolated due to communication difficulties. Theres a big plan for Belabau but I can't share with you here yet.


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