Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Movie sreen effect.

Hey! this is my latest comic project yg siap, errr... brapa batah udah inda post blog nie ha...? well as you see aku lukis anie punya banyak space so sanang melukis, kadang aku heran ada kartunis dapat lukis arah space damit2... wah! respek! aku balum brapa pandai tu! to me lagi selesa lukis dgn space besar, how about you? chiow!

Thursday, 4 September 2008


Hey! this is an alternative to make comic cover, use the comic content! this was made by my ex-wife... haha! chiow!

Tuesday, 2 September 2008


Yo! this is some sample of comic cover and its content. To me its better to put simple cover, hmmm... naa! its better to put more creative cover! know why? to attract reader!

Left(co5sc) look! in comic world you can do anything! theres no such things impossible!

Try to make your own comic! start it now!
